



Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Calling All Seaplane Pilots!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 @ 8:00 AM

Attention Seaplane Pilots: The next two print issues of General Aviation News will focus on seaplanes and they would like to get some insider information from you!

  • What are some of the best places to fly (and land) in your seaplane?
  • What is it about seaplane flying that you like the best?
  • What tips and advice can you give to fellow pilots who are considering a seaplane rating?

Head to GeneralAviationNews.com and share your insight, your recommendations might just find their way into the next issue!

» More on GA News

Monday, February 28, 2011

Field Report : Aviation Safety Hitting the Mark

Monday, February 28, 2011 @ 10:00 AM

In 2001, Ken Wittekiend, the 2009 Southwest Region CFI of the Year, realized that many pilots did not have easy or effective ways to gain additional knowledge or training beyond what was learned leading up to their check-ride.  In response to the need for a better continuing education program, Ken established ProMark Aviation, a flight training company based at KBMQ in Burnett, TX, to provide beginners and accomplished pilots a better way to maintain and improve upon the critical skills necessary to fly safer and more confidently.

Through the use of aviation study groups, Ken is creating opportunities for pilots to share their knowdlege of flying with each other.  This interaction not only produces an exceptional environment to develop better pilots but it also strengthens the pilot community, elements that are critical to the future of general aviation.

Ken featured iFlightPlanner.com at his most recent study group to help pilots improve their preflight safety practices.  "The response (to iFlightPlanner.com) from our Aviation Study Group has been enthusiastic," he said.  "It gives our students a robust flight planning solution that is fast, complete, and easy to use."

Word about the study groups hosted by ProMark is spreading, and attendance is steadily growing.  He also noted that they will be participating in the SAFE Training Symposium to be held May 3-5, 2011 in Atlanta, GA which Ken says will be a major event in aviation education.  ProMark is looking to expand the study group concept to other airports and welcomes anyone interested in hosting a group to contact them via their website, http://www.ProMarkAviation.net, to get started.

We are excited that ProMark Aviation Services has chosen iFlightPlanner.com as their Official Flight Planner.  If you think your FBO or Flight school would benefit from having iFlightPlanner.com as part of their program as well, please let us know!