



Monday, August 29, 2016

IFR Paper Chart Price Increases Coming

Monday, August 29, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

The cost of IFR paper charts is expected to rise significantly in the next few months.  The increase applies specifically to terminal procedures publications (TPP), which include instrument approach procedures (IAP), departure procedures (DP), standard terminal arrivals (STAR), airport diagrams, as well as takeoff, radar, and alternate minimums.

This will not affect the freely-accessible charts available on iFlightPlanner.com or in iFlightPlanner for iPad.  All charts, including VFR Sectionals and Terminal Area Charts (TAC), will continue to be available to all pilots at no cost through iFlightPlanner.

Instrument approaches, SIDs, STARs, airport diagrams and minimums can all be printed from the Documents tab for each airport in the Airport/Facility Directory.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the iFlightPlanner Crew!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

FAA Pushes ICAO Flight Plan Mandate to January 2017

Wednesday, August 17, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

The FAA has again delayed the implementation of the international flight plan form (ICAO) for all civil domestic flights.  Barring another postponement, the FAA will eliminate use of the domestic format flight plan and make the transition to ICAO format in January 2017.

ICAO flight plans contain specific information relating to the proposed flight of an aircraft and controllers use them to provide air traffic services based on the capabilities of each aircraft. Today pilots file flight plans in the U.S. under either the domestic or ICAO format, and the use of one format will simplify the process and align U.S. flight plans with ICAO standards.

This flight planning QuickTip will show you how to easily update your iFlightPlanner aircraft profiles and enjoy a seamless transition to the new ICAO flight plan format when creating and filing flight plans with iFlightPlanner.  iFlightPlanner is, and has been ready since this change was first proposed in 2012!

As referenced in the video, there is a lot of aircraft-specific information required to file the ICAO flight plans.  However, if you are only flying domestically the FAA requires less ICAO data.

The FAA has issued an informal guidance document that highlights changes specific to the international flight plan form that pertain exclusively to flight within the National Airspace System.

Should you have any questions specific to filing ICAO flight plans in iFlightPlanner, please don't hesitate to contact us!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, August 15, 2016

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data Available for 8/18 Cycle

Monday, August 15, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on August 18, 2016.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates".

Pilots using iFlightPlanner.com or mobile.iFlightPlanner.com from their smartphones will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on August 18.