



Thursday, April 28, 2016

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for 4/28 Cycle

Thursday, April 28, 2016 @ 4:01 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day cycle beginning 4/28/16 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner.com or mobile.iFlightPlanner.com you can be confident that you are seeing the most current and accurate data available.  To ensure that iFlightPlanner for iPad is current, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  The app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, April 25, 2016

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data Available for 4/28 Cycle

Monday, April 25, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on April 28, 2016.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates".

Pilots using iFlightPlanner.com or mobile.iFlightPlanner.com from their smartphones will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on April 28.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Senate Passes FAA Reauthorization Bill

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

The Senate overwhelmingly passed a long-term FAA reauthorization bill on Tuesday, sending the measure to the House of Representatives, where previous legislation stalled over plans to privatize ATC.

Lawmakers approved by a vote of 95-3 an amended measure that would fund the FAA through fiscal year 2017.

The Senate bill includes a number of provisions that are being championed by general aviation, including third-class medical reform, and would authorize annual increases in Airport Improvement Program funding, streamline certification for light GA aircraft, support a transition to unleaded aviation fuel, and make it easier to install modern safety equipment in legacy aircraft.

GA groups applauded the Senate bill’s passage for scrapping the ATC privatization proposal.

» Read more from FLYING

Monday, April 18, 2016

AOPA Introduces Personal Minimum Contracts

Monday, April 18, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s (AOPA) Air Safety Institute has released Personal Minimum Contracts for both VFR and IFR pilots.  The program helps pilots document personal minimums to become the basis for a contract pilots make with themselves.

“Personal Minimum Contracts will help VFR and IFR pilots take some of the guess work out of tough decisions,” said George Perry, senior vice president, AOPA Air Safety Institute. “Instead of relying on a hunch or feelings, having a written contract that pilots keep with them becomes a promise to themselves, their passengers, and their families. This contract will give pilots a safety tool to help them make smart decisions when it matters most.”

After determining which contract would apply, pilots are encouraged to review the questions with their CFI, update the information regularly, and keep a copy with flight planning materials for reference.

Friday, April 15, 2016

What ADS-B equipment is available for my aircraft?

Friday, April 15, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

Search by aircraft make and model in this FAA database of ADS-B equipment designed to meet the requirements of 14 CFR 91.225 and 91.227, either as separate components or complete installation solutions. The database includes both FAA-certified equipment and equipment not yet approved. See Definitions Legend at the bottom of the page for additional details.

» ADS-B Compliant Equipment Search Tool

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

FAA Issues ADs Affecting Cessna, Piper Fleets

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

The FAA issued two direct-to-final-rule Airworthiness Directives this week that affect nearly 6,000 general aviation aircraft.

An Airworthiness Directive (AD) for Cessna addresses the elevator trim tabs in roughly 5,000 twin-engine T310Q, 310Q, and 402B aircraft.  Textron already has issued a service bulletin and the FAA is allowing 90 days for owners to make the fix, with the clock starting on April 26.  Replacing the elevator trim push-pull rod hardware should cost around $100, the FAA said.

The Piper AD addresses reports of rib cracks found in the wings of PA-28 Cherokees that occurred during production, and extends a previous directive to include upwards of 700 aircraft.  Per the FAA, operators should expect to pay $85 for an inspection and $125 if repairs are needed.  If not corrected, could result in reduced structural integrity of the wing.  Operators must comply with the AD within 25 hours of flying after the effective date of April 26, with the exception of those airplanes listed in the previous AD, which have 25 hours after last October 29 to comply.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Midwest GPS Testing May Cause Unreliable Signals

Monday, April 11, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

GPS testing scheduled for April 11-15, 18-23, and 25-29 may result in unreliable or unavailable GPS signals in the Midwest per Flight Advisory GAFC 16-02.

The location of the testing is centered at 402520N/902006W or the Spinner VORTAC (SPI) 321 degree radial at 46NM and will occur at the following dates and times:

  • 11–15 APR 16 1300Z – 2100Z
  • 18–23 APR 16 1300Z – 2100Z
  • 25–29 APR 16 1300Z – 2100Z

The NOTAMs discussed in this advisory may change with little or no notice, and the FAA encourages pilots to check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes prior to operations in the area which will be published at least 24 hours in advance of any GPS tests.

» Flight Advisory GAFC 16-02

Friday, April 8, 2016

4 Tools to Help Burn Less Fuel and Fly Faster

Friday, April 8, 2016 @ 8:00 AM

Not planning with an iFlightPlanner Premium or iFlightPlanner Premium Plus membership is likely costing you - using these four simple planning tools will help save you fuel, time, and money every time you fly!

Detailed Aircraft Performance Profiles

iFlightPlanner offers the most detailed aircraft performance profiles of any flight planning solution.  Not only can you input performance data by altitude, but as an iFlightPlanner Premium or iFlightPlanner Premium Plus member, you're able to create and plan usingmultiple performance profiles that will maximize your aircraft's range or cruise speed.  The flight planner is so robust that it interpolates aircraft performance based on all available data, and gets more precise as you add details to the profile for each altitude. 

Do you have performance profiles that you've perfected for your aircraft?  Let us know, the iFlightPlanner Crew will be happy to help add it to your account!

Altitude Efficiency Comparison Tool

Leveraging your detailed aircraft performance profiles, iFlightPlanner can compare every altitude (up to your aircraft's maximum) to identify the quickest, and most fuel-efficient altitudes for your flight.  Simply click the Compare Altitudes button in the online Flight Wizard or in iFlightPlanner for iPad to discover the fuel savings waiting for you enroute!

Aircraft Fuel Range Mapping

Instantly see if you can reach your destination non-stop, or know when you'll begin burning your predetermined reserve fuel with our fuel range identifiers.  The orange marker shows where you'll tap into your reserve, while the red marker indicates the maximum range of your aircraft given your route, aircraft performance, and forecasted winds.  Each fuel setting is available when editing an aircraft from your My Aircraft list, allowing the markers to appear on the map automatically for iFlightPlanner Premium and iFlightPlanner Premium Plus members.


Graphical Fuel Price Map Layers

Turn on the fuel price layers in any of our interactive maps, including iFlightPlanner for iPad, to get a look at the most recently reported fuel prices across the country.  Each fuel price links to our comprehensive Airport/Facility Directory for each airport, complete with FBO details, runway information, and printable airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures.

Using another EFB but want to switch to iFlightPlanner and take advantage of these great features?  Our Competitive Upgrade Program allows you to trade-in your existing subscription and have the time remaining on it added to your new iFlightPlanner Premium or Premium Plus membership.

If you have any questions, please send us a message.  We are always happy to help and want you to get the most out of your iFlightPlanner experience!